Archive for May 16th, 2013

CCSS Summer Virtual Bootcamp: Fractions

Posted on May 16, 2013. Filed under: Uncategorized |

Dr. Nicki is doing an internet institute on July 2nd.  During this institute we will explore, discuss and do a variety of activities that teach  the  CCSS Fraction Domain.

Who: Anybody that is teaching the Fraction Domain should attend!

When: July 2nd: 12 – 3 East Coast Time

Where: Internet

How: Through a designated Portal

How Much: $125 including a fraction tool kit with guided math supplies and workstations (must sign up 2 weeks before the conference to receive it on time)

Bonus: Sign up early – within the next week by May 26 and receive a 20% discount!

Enrollment Limited: Only 25 Spaces! Enroll Today

Happy Mathing,

Dr. Nicki

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