Bar Diagramming Videos

Posted on June 8, 2011. Filed under: Differentiated Instruction, Digital Learners, During the Guided Math Lesson, Graphic Organizers, Guided math, Math is a Language, Mathematical Proficiency, Multiple Intelligences, Problem Solving, virtual manipulatives | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

As everyone knows, I am all for bar diagramming as a great thinking tool for solving word problems. Here is a great resource for looking at using bar diagramming with various types of word problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percents, ratios and algebra.  This website -THINKING BLOCKS- has several videos showing bar diagramming in action.  PLUS, they provide the actual toolkit to do it on your interactive board or regular computer! WOW…really great stuff!


Happy Mathing,

Dr. Nicki

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Hi Dr.Nicki,
Fabulous bar diagramming videos and tools for teaching. This strategy really promotes flexibility with numbers. Could students use the bar diagramming in their problem-solving journals to record their understanding of the problem. How often do you think this would be effective – three times a week, once a week? or does it depend on the problem. Thanks for the very useful resource.

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