Comparing Numbers: Part 1- Activities for Whole Class and Guided Math Groups

Posted on June 28, 2011. Filed under: Differentiated Instruction, During the Guided Math Lesson, Guided math, Math Centers, Math is a Language, Multiple Intelligences | Tags: , , , , , |

Comparing Numbers

When teaching greater than and less than  you want to teach the concept at a concrete, pictorial and then abstract level.

Activities to Build Conceptual Understanding.

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4 (be sure to scroll to the bottom and look for activity sheet with mini-alligators)

Google – Intelli-tunes Alligator (a poem and a puupet will come up)

Happy Mathing,

Dr. Nicki

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Hi Dr Nicki,
The greater and less than alligator posters and the alligator for the students to hold are so appropriate to teach comparing. I use your resources to pass on to teachers as soon as I get them. This time I made a packet of the posters, alligator poem, and a few other resources about comparing numbers and I gave it out at a summer school training for Kindergarten teachers. They are so excited to try something during the summer and maintain what the students have learned during the school year and prepare them for first grade.
Once again – great stuff. Thanks

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