Making Math Real

Posted on November 16, 2011. Filed under: Common Core, Differentiated Instruction, Digital Learners, Elementary math, Multiple Intelligences | Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Here is a great math blog to check out.  It has tons of posts about math in the real world, solid resources and some good videos!  Check it out! Peter and Trish make lots of interesting interdisciplinary connections across many different grade levels.  Here are the names of a few of their posts:

Math and International Travel

            Teaching Mathematics from a Museum

            Math and the Cemetery

            Where is Zero on the Earth?

Teaching Slope in the Mountains of Switzerland

There is a little something for everybody.

Happy Mathing,

Dr. Nicki

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Thanks, Nicki, for the friendly and positive mention of our site.

A lot of my videos were shot in our trip to Europe earlier in the year. I was able to connect math to a number of “touristy” places we visited.

My hope is always to help students and teachers to understand math better, and as part of that process to connect math to ordinary things and experiences around them.

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