Math Workstations: Component 3 (Standards Based)

Posted on May 24, 2013. Filed under: Assessment, Common Core, Math Centers, Math Workstations, Mathematical Proficiency | Tags: , , , , , |

Math Workstations should be standards-based.  By that I mean that every single one of the stations should be connected with a standard.  In the beginning of the year, many of the initial math workstations will be a review of the prior year’s standards.  As the year progresses, you will make workstations based on the current grade level. Sometimes, for your expert level students, who may be working above-grade level, you might do a vertical compacting workstation where you put activities from the next set of standards in the learning progression.

Students should be aware of the standards they are working on in the Math Workstation.  It should be as clear as day.  I recommend that you put the “I can statement” (a student-friendly version of the standard) written right on the portable math workstation or pasted somewhere near that particular workstation. If students know where they are going, they are much more likely to get there!

When you confer with your students, you can talk about where they are on the learning progression, from their point of view and yours:)  Christine Mulgrave-King (2010) refers to this a student ownership of their learning (see her work at

Happy Mathing,

Dr. Nicki

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